This year I co-teach writer's workshop with the learning support teacher as part of a full inclusion model the district is beginning to use. I'm lucky to have a great LS teacher who is willing to try new things!
Over the past two weeks, the students worked in mixed-ability teams to write 2nd person point of view stories about kids who explore haunted houses. We turned the room into a radio station, and the kids recorded their stories, complete with some sound effects. We don't have an RSS feed for their work, but it's close to being a podcast.
Over the past two weeks, the students worked in mixed-ability teams to write 2nd person point of view stories about kids who explore haunted houses. We turned the room into a radio station, and the kids recorded their stories, complete with some sound effects. We don't have an RSS feed for their work, but it's close to being a podcast.
The kids learned a lot and had a great deal of fun! Check out their work here.
This is awesome. The kids not only developed writing skills, but presentation skills, as well. They read with inflective voices that made the story come alive to the listener. Do they have the opportunity to share their stories as well? It might be nice to have an additional "radio show" where they can discuss what they liked about the project and individual stories. Very reflective!
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